How to Get Rid of Belly Fat for Women

Losing excess body fat especially from around your belly can be a difficult undertaking. It takes determination, effort and a strong motivation. The most common problem for most people though, is that even when they do finally get the motivation to cut their belly fat, they cannot ever find the right advice on how to get rid of belly fat for women.

There are loads of damaging myths in the fat loss industry. The most prevalent myth when it comes to burning belly fat, is commonly known as “spot reduction”. The claim is that you can somehow choose to lose fat specifically from one part of your body. This is physiologically impossible. A person cannot just do lots of situps and think their belly will magically disappear.

Even though you work out your legs/thighs or chest does not mean you will get leaner in those areas.

Men usually add fat to their stomach first and women usually add fat to their hips and buttocks first. When you perform any type of weight lifting, your body is going to decide where it's going to burn fat from. So to actually burn belly fat, you have to concentrate on burning calories and losing fat from your body in its entirety. So how exactly do you do this?

The first and most important point is that you need to reduce your overall calorie intake. You have to make sure that you are expending more calories a day than you are taking in. To discover how many calories your body burns a day, you should do a quick google search and use one of the many simple charts available.

To deduce how many calories you should eat to burn fat safely and regularly, I recommend deducting 20% from how many calories your body currently burns in a day.

As a small experiment, I might also advise everyone to t all the food that enters your mouth for a whole week. You'll likely bealarmed at just how many calories you are ingesting. The vast majority of people are not aware of the calorific density of certain foods and often under-estimate how many calories they eat and over-estimate the amount of calories they burn.

I suggest taking in protein with every meal and split your food intake into 3 or more meals. I'd also remove any refined carbs from your meal plan. That essentially includes any food that contains white flour or sugar. So bread, chocolate, pastries, pasta, white rice etc are all out. Eat the wholemeal variations as an alternative and try to get nearly all of your carbs from fruit and vegetables.

The plan on its own will make you able to start burning belly fat but for maximum effect you'll need to start a basic workout schedule. It needn't be super complex or long. Just lifting weights for 45 minutes, three days a week will absolutely have a significant effect on your body fat level. You should keep to multi-joint exercises like the squat, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press, barbell row, and pullup.

The last part of losing belly fat is a strong cardio plan. Again, this doesn't have to be very complex. A very easy to do and powerful method of cardio is fast paced walking. brisk walk will use fat by tapping directly into your fat cells. Even only 20 minutes of brisk walking a day is going to provide brilliant results when combined with a proper diet and workout plan.

It's crazy how many calories you can burn in a single day just by making some simple changes. An example would be climbing the stairwell instead of the elevator or parking a little further away from the shop. Another idea might be to get off at an earlier station, if you take the bus or the train, and see if you can walk the rest of the way.

In conclusion I hope these guidelines have given you some tips on all it takes to get rid of lower belly fat forever.

For more free fat loss tips and tricks visit how to lose lower belly fat, how to get rid of belly fat for women, how to get rid of belly fat for women.

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